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Retail -

Enhance customer retention and reduce churn with our AI in retail solutions with personalized product recommendations and innovative omnichannel strategies.

    Our Retail AI use cases

    Enhance your Customer Experience with Personalized Recommendations and Seamless Interactions

    Demand Forecasting
    Demand Forecasting

    Historical data and ML algorithms helped in precise product demand predictions, improving purchasing and inventory management.

    Supplier Selection
    Supplier Selection

    We assessed suppliers using ML models, pinpointing the best choices based on cost, quality, and lead time.

    Transportation Routing
    Transportation Routing

    AI-powered algorithms were deployed to optimize transportation routes, reducing shipping times and costs for clients.

    Quality Control
    Quality ControlWe implemented computer vision and ML to detect defects and ensure product quality, enhancing supply chain efficiency.
    Inventory Management
    Inventory Management

    Real-time inventory tracking was achieved using RFID and sensors, increasing efficiency and accuracy.

    Stock Replenishment
    Stock Replenishment

    We utilized ARIMA and LSTM models to predict and proactively address low stock levels, reducing out-of-stock incidents.

    Smart Warehouse
    Smart Warehouse

    Warehouse layout and pick routes were optimized using reinforcement learning algorithms, e.g. Q-Learning, minimizing time and labor costs.

    Price optimization
    Price optimization

    ElasticNet Regression was used, considering demand, inventory, and competitor data for pricing adjustments, boosting margins and sales.

    Planogram Optimization
    Planogram Optimization

    Advanced algorithms helped optimize product placement and store layout, driving sales and customer satisfaction.


    We used collaborative filtering to analyze customer data, providing personalized product recommendations and enhancing sales.

    Virtual Assistants
    Virtual Assistants

    Trained using modern transformer architectures, our virtual assistant solutions ensure faster and more efficient resolution to problems

    Customer NPS
    Customer NPS

    Track satisfaction level of customers with advanced sentiment analysis from customer feedback and buying behavior

    Customer Service
    Customer Service

    Advanced AI algorithms enhance speech quality, reduce wait times and also provide real time conversational monitoring

    Order Support
    Order Support

    Real time order tracking, prediction of delays, identification of fraudulent items and counterfeit products

    Predictive Maintenance
    Predictive Maintenance

    SOTA Deep Learning techniques can be used on live sensor data from warehouse equipments like conveyors, forklifts - reducing downtime

    Marketing Mix
    Marketing Mix

    Optimally and effectively allocate budgets across various marketing channels to maximise RoI, increase customer acquisition

    Our Impact in Retail

    We take immense pride in our ability to deliver transformative solutions that drive tangible results for our clients in the retail sector. By leveraging our extensive experience and cutting-edge technologies, we have successfully empowered businesses to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape. Here's a glimpse of the significant impact our solutions have had on our retail clients:

    1.4X Revenue Growth
    2.1X Conversion rate
    8.3% Increase in Search page view
    38.5% Increase in First page view
    80% increase in average user activity
    7% Increase in Conversion in non campaign group
    4.5X Increase in conversion in Campaign Group
    2X Increase in conversion rate

    Our clients in Retail space


    Achieve Sustainable Growth Through Intelligent Innovation